
Screen Capture Methods

There are some good screen capture tools out there, but being the cheap person that I am, I'm looking for something free that will cut down on time.

I usually don't bother adding pictures to my posts because it involves doing a print-screen, pasting it into Photoshop, cutting out the part I want, saving it to my hard drive, uploading it to Flickr, then posting to the blog.

What I want to be able to do is: select the portion I want (from the capture tool), post it directly to Blogger. I have found a free program to select any part of the screen and it copies it to the clipboard.

Unfortunaltely Blogger doesn't allow pasting into the post editor, so I have to save the image somewhere and use the link to post. I don't think there's a way around this, but please correct me if I'm wrong! I'd love to know a way.

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