
Stay Fresh in what Amazon Context?

Amazon Context Links is still in Beta mode, and I installed it to see how it would work. I really like the idea of instant links leading straight to the store - the less effort the better! The challenge is, how does a robot establish the proper context for words or names within a sentence, given that the English language can be so easily twisted out of context?

Here's an example from eKettle. Context Links figured that the words "stay fresh" (on Google's April Fools post from last week) meant something other than "continuously updated."

Below is the product for sale in Amazon's fresh veggie isle. But don't get me wrong, I would love nothing more than to sell my reader something to keep his veggies fresh. Go ahead and purchase this container in support of eKettle.com ;)

Another slight issue is that only 20 links per page are allowed - could use more on a front page which is a mile long. The number of links permitted may go up when Amazon Context Links launches officially.

Once they get the context thing right I'm sure it will be a really awesome!

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